US embassy cable - 08BEIJING4432US embassy cable - 08BEIJING4432 MEDIA REACTION: THAILAND, FINANCIAL CRISIS, U.S. GOVERNMENT TRANSITION Identifier: 08BEIJING4432 Origin: Embassy Beijing Created: 2008-12-04 09:54:00 Classification: Tags: OPRC KMDR CH VZCZCXRO7190 RR RUEHCN RUEHGH RUEHVC DE RUEHBJ #4432 3390954 ZNR UUUUU ZZH R 040954Z DEC 08 FM AMEMBASSY BEIJING TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC 1213 INFO RUEHOO/CHINA POSTS COLLECTIVE RHMFIUU/CDR USPACOM HONOLULU HIUNCLAS BEIJING 004432 DEPARTMENT FOR INR/R/MR, EAP/CM, EAP/PA, EAP/PD, C HQ PACOM FOR PUBLIC DIPLOMACY ADVISOR (J007) SIPDIS E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: OPRC, KMDR, CH SUBJECT: MEDIA REACTION: THAILAND, FINANCIAL CRISIS, U.S. GOVERNMENT TRANSITION -------------------- Editorial Quotes -------------------- 1. THAILAND "Thai situation still confused" The official Communist Party People's Daily (Renmin Ribao) (12/03): "Thailand's constitutional court recently announced the immediate dissolution of three political parties. Analysts think that even if the Thai military takes abnormal measures to seize power and stop the political chaos, this will not solve the deeply-rooted conflict and confrontation between the two groups and may even make the issue more complicated in the future." 2. FINANCIAL CRISIS a. "Be vigilant when considering restoring the gold standard system" The official Communist Party People's Daily (Renmin Ribao) (12/03): "Recent Western opinion has advocated a new Bretton Woods system with the U.S. dollar as the core and restoration of the 'gold standard' to solve the financial crisis. The appearance of such thought is not accidental. There is a great deal of background. The American financial crisis has caused the loss of the U.S. dollar's credit. Therefore, American financial strategists seek to use the gold standard system to maintain the global financial system led by the U.S. The reason that the U.S. and Europe choose to use gold standard is the fact that the most of gold reservation in the world is in their control. The restored gold standard system will not be the original gold standard system, but instead a 'partial reserve system' partially based on gold. Therefore, rapid economic growth will be relatively limited in the area of currency supply. The possible consequences would be: first, due to the economic growth of the U.S. and Europe is low, the partial reserve system can satisfy their currency supply and will not form serious restriction on their economy, but will greatly restrict China, India and other developing countries. Second, developing countries have to spend lots of foreign reserve to purchase gold. This decision betrays the common wish of the international society to substantially reform the international financial system." b. "The financial crisis will substantially improve U.S.-China relations" The official Communist Party international news publication Global Times (Huanqiu Shibao)(12/03): "It is worth asking, how will the current financial crisis influence U.S.-China relations? The financial, military, and culture hegemony of the U.S. have been impacted by the crisis in an unprecedented manner. Improvement of China's strategic position has come earlier than people had expected. The financial crisis currently faced by the U.S. and China is providing a new strategic foundation for both the U.S. and China. Gradually-increasing, mutual economic dependence and cooperation will bring substantial improvement to U.S.-China strategic relations." 3. U.S. GOVERNMENT TRANSITION "The experienced officials and Obama: who should listen to whom?" The official Communist Party international news publication Global Times (Huanqiu Shibao)(12/03): "Obama's new diplomatic and security team has created a sensation around the world. At the same time, Obama's ability to dominate those experienced officials is being questioned. Some media indicate that having so many "hawks" seems to disavow Obama's promises during the election campaign. Chinese analysts indicate that Obama's biggest appeal during the elections was change. But looking at his newly assigned team, people are questioning where the changes are. Obama's security team is clearly a transitional one. After all Obama is new in political basis and experience. He has to rely on the current team of Democrats; the assignment of Hillary and two senior military men are the result of this background. Obama's foreign policy, including China policy, will go through a growing and maturing process." RANDT This page generates a huge ammount of traffic. Please help me to keep it running. Thanks. Author: Radek "Mrkva" Pilar, Twitter, Mail/XMPP: mrkva twistedThing