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Daily Dispatches

Complimenting GATA, Peter Grandich jumps back into gold and silver

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Chris Powell
Journal Inquirer, Manchester, Connecticut
Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Connecticut's governor and attorney general and some of its members
of Congress have complained indignantly about gas and oil prices and

Mike Kosares: June and July are most profitable for buying gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

8:12p ET Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Peter Grandich lately has been calling the gold and
silver markets perfectly, and in his latest metals
investment letter, published this morning, he gives
some kind compliments to GATA as he argues that
"it's time to jump back in the precious metals and
mining shares with both feet again."

For some of us, that would require first getting

IMF study acknowledges risk of double-counting leased central bank gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

By John Dizard
Financial Times
Monday, June 5, 2006

For all the fireworks in the gold price last month, including a 25-
year high, the metal that drives men mad ended down by slightly less
than 2 percent from the end of April. To me and some of the more

John Embry: Paper assets seeking safety send gold soaring

Section: Daily Dispatches

12:56a ET Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

A research paper commissioned by the International
Monetary Fund appears to confirm the Gold Anti-
Trust Action Committee's longstanding complaint
that the IMF has directed member central banks to
double-count their gold when it has been leased or
swapped or otherwise has left a central bank's vault

The paper, "Treatment of Gold Swaps and Gold

Buy ''Eye of the Pyramid'' through June 7 and support GATA

Section: Daily Dispatches

1:18a ET Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Sprott Asset Management's chief investment strategist,
John Embry, has written for Investor's Digest of Canada
a new commentary explaining why the top for gold is
years away. Embry also has kind compliments for GATA.
Embry's commentary is headlined "Paper Assets Seeking
Safety Send Gold Soaring" and you can find it at the

Ted Butler: Proving the silver manipulation again

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:40p ET Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Terry Krohn's thriller of a novel with a gold theme,
"Eye of the Pyramid," is on sale over the Internet
today and all day Wednesday, June 7, with purchasers
qualifying for a host of special gifts and GATA
qualifying for a portion of the purchases made by
GATA supporters.

"Eye of the Pyramid" has been called the "Da Vinci

Iran reported repatriating currency reserves via gold shipments

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Ted Butler
Monday, June 5, 2006

Over the past 10 years I have argued that silver has been
manipulated in price. One of my goals for writing publicly about
silver was to terminate this manipulation. While I know that many
people can't understand my obsession with the manipulation, I make
no apologies for my convictions. There is nothing more basic or
important than keeping a market free of manipulation. This is the

Treasury appointment gives huge tax break to Goldman Sachs CEO

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Kenneth R. Timmerman
Wednesday, June 7, 2006

WASHINGTON -- Iranians are going for the gold -- at least until
someone else cuts them off.

To forestall an effort by the West to seize Iranian assets in
Europe, the Iranian leadership decided last fall to begin a massive,

Russia leading global ''stealth demand'' for gold

Section: Daily Dispatches

Does Keeping the Penny Still Make Sense?

By J. Scott Orr
Newhouse News Service
via Seattle Times
Sunday, June 4, 2006

WASHINGTON -- They accumulate everywhere, multiplying faster than
bunnies, it seems, in pockets, purses and dresser-top jars. And you

Peter Brimelow: Veteran gold bug sees price soaring to $3,000

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The Telegraph, London
Monday, June 5, 2006

The world's big money brigade is snapping up gold bullion at eight
times the rate originally thought, according to a report by UBS, the
world's biggest gold trader.

The huge sums entering precious metals below the radar are likely to
