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With metals recovering, Calandra Report has a special discount offer for friends of GATA

Section: Daily Dispatches

9:12a CT Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Thom Calandra and his market letter, The Calandra Report, have been supporting GATA almost from our start 22 years ago. He is a writer and believer and investor in the monetary metals.

This week, with metals prices showing signs of recovery amid the storm of inflation, Thom is reviviong his special offer to GATA supporters -- a discount on a year's subscription with half the $169 payment being donated to GATA, no strings attached.

Here is the PayPal code for the special subscription offer:

Thom's production is prodigious. Typically he sends his subscribers a new letter two or three times per week.

... Dispatch continues below ...


Buy metals at GoldMoney and enjoy international storage

GoldMoney was established in 2001 by James and Geoff Turk and is safeguarding more than $1.7 billion in metals and currencies. Buy gold, silver, platinum, and palladium from GoldMoney over the Internet and store them in vaults in Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, taking advantage of GoldMoney's low storage rates, among the most competitive in the industry. 

GoldMoney also offers delivery of 100-gram and 1-kilogram gold bars and 1-kilogram silver bars. To learn more, please visit:

Thom has identified a number of once-obscure resource equities paying the mortgage. See:

Another edition of The Calandra Report, a bulletin, has just been published and has what he believes is actionable information about several prospects:

Thom realizes this is a challenging time for owning metals equities as well as the metals themselves. One day gold is at $1,800, the next it is at $1,760. 

But Thom sticks with his choices -- and his secular view is simple: a years-long upward cycle for most hard assets, even platinum. But not for that desperate $1 trillion Treasury-minted platinum coin that government's big spenders want issued to evade the U.S. federal debt limit.

Thom is having a hot hand with frequent visits to Québec, Ontario, Nevada, Colorado, Yukon, Ghana, and even Russia and places around the world in search of honest explorers and producers. 

Canada is his bread and butter. Some 55% of his subscribers are from Canada, with another 34% from the United States. His deep analysis of Québec prospects is paying off with the planned merger of Golden Valley Mines & Royalties with Gold Royalty Corp. and with two explorers showing discovery gold grades: Amex Exploration and Azimut Exploration.

Thom will be with GATA Chairman Bill Murphy and your secretary/treasurer at the annual New Orleans Investment Conference this week. He has been speaking there as long as GATA has.

The Calandra Report locates promising companies in natural resources, special situations, some clinical-stage biomedical companies, a media company or two, and oversold investments. Metals and metals equities are 70% of The Calandra Report.

Thom's income comes solely from The Calandra Report. There is no "pay for play" and there are no favored placements for him, his family, or his newsletter.

Thom's research and name-dropping commentaries have been on a winning streak for three years now. His analysis and recommendations spring from his contacts throughout the mining exploration business: across Quebec, Nevada, the Yukon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Arizona, Ontario, Mexico, and Ecuador, among other far-flung places. He has similar contacts in the clinical-stage bio-pharma laboratory businesses.

If you check some of the sample reports posted in the clear at his Internet site -- -- you'll see profitable names that were little known a year ago or buried 10 years ago but well-known now.

Thom never takes fees in exchange for coverage. He almost always owns shares of the companies he recommends in his letter. He takes pride in knowing the geologists and CEOs.

His letter also may be the lowest-cost mining analysis service. Really -- he conscientiously replies to all queries. Ping him now if you like at

The growing exposure of government price-suppression policy against the monetary metals is improving valuations for metals prices and their respective operators.

If you'd like to be a part of The Calandra Report while helping GATA, your discount offer from The Calandra Report is waiting for you at Pay Pal here:  

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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Join GATA here:

New Orleans Investment Conference
Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel
2 Poydras St., New Orleans, Louisiana
Tuesday-Friday, October 19-22, 2021

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Toast to a free gold market
with great GATA-label wine

Wine carrying the label of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, cases of which were awarded to three lucky donors in GATA's recent fundraising campaign, are now available for purchase by the case from Fay J Winery LLC in Texarkana, Texas. Each case has 12 bottles and the cost is $240, which includes shipping via Federal Express.

Here's what the bottles look like:

Buyers can compose their case by choosing as many as four varietals from the list here:

GATA will receive a commission on each case of GATA-label wine sold. So if you like wine and buy it anyway, why not buy it in a way that supports our work to achieve free and transparent markets in the monetary metals?

To order a case of GATA-label wine, please e-mail Fay J Winery at

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Support GATA by purchasing
Stuart Englert's "Rigged"

"Rigged" is a concise explanation of government's currency market rigging policy and extensively credits GATA's work exposing it. Ten percent of sales proceeds are contributed to GATA. Buy a copy for $14.99 through Amazon --

-- or for an additional $3 and a penny buy an autographed copy from Englert himself by contacting him at

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Help keep GATA going:

GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at:

To contribute to GATA, please visit: