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China has its people put a floor under gold price, Maguire tells LFTV

Section: Daily Dispatches

7:16a GMT Saturday, May 18, 2024

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

London metals trader Andrew Maguire tells this week's "Live from the Vault" program from Kinesis Money that repeated attempts by the U.S. Federal Reserve to knock down the price of gold via sale of futures contracts in New York just continue to feed Chinese demand for real metal as the contracts are converted to deliverable instruments in London.

... Dispatch continues below ...


Guanajuato Silver Is Reactivating Silver and Gold Mines in Mexico

Guanajuato Silver is a precious metals producer reactivating past-producing silver and gold mines in central Mexico. The company produces silver and gold concentrates from the El Cubo Mines Complex, Valenciana Mines Complex, and the San Ignacio mine. All three mines are located within the state of Guanajuato, which has a 480-year mining history.

Additionally, the company produces silver, gold, lead, and zinc concentrates from the Topia mine in northwestern Durango state. 

With four operating mines and three processing facilities, Guanajuato Silver is one of the fastest growing silver producers in Mexico.

For more information, please visit:

Maguire asserts that the Fed is now the only central bank that is short gold and that the Chinese government has put a rising floor under the gold price by encouraging its people to acquire the metal as well.

He says the plan for a Russian-advocated "BRICS" gold-based trading currency is being actively tested and has discovered more interest than originally expected. 

He adds that there just are not enough commodity trading houses still willing to undertake and stick with short positions on gold to help suppress the price..

The program is 45 minutes long and can be seen at YouTube here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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