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Jim Rickards: Trump aims not for currency war but currency peace

Section: Daily Dispatches

By James G. Rickards
The Daily Reckoning, Baltimore
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

There has been a lot reported in recent days about the return of currency wars. This story arises in the context of a likely Trump election victory in the November presidential elections.

Trump badly bungled his transition after being elected president in 2016. He wasn't ready with a long list of loyal appointees.

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Many of his senior appointments, such as Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, James Mattis as secretary of defense, and John Kelly as chief of staff, secretly disliked Trump but accepted their roles as so-called "adult supervision" around the supposedly reckless Trump.

They thwarted his agenda. That backstabbing came on top of the large number of Obama holdovers in the deep state who saw themselves as a "resistance" movement.

Trump is doing a better job of preparing for a second term as president, but the resistance isn't sitting still either. They're moving to disable a new Trump administration even before the election.

The currency wars stories are part of that effort. ...

... For the remainder of the commentary:

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