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Daily Dispatches

Anatomy of a budding gold rally: Gold stocks outpace overall stock market

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Bill Murphy, Chairman
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
January 13, 2002

Last weekend I left for Washington to attend
Ralph Nader's conference, quot;The Federal
Reserve: Myth Versus Reality,quot; at the
National Press Club. My purpose was to make
some contacts to bring attention to the
manipulation of the gold market.

Sunday was a hoot, as I had dinner with my
old quarterback from my football-playing

A letter to send to Congress with James Turk''s latest findings

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Thom Calandra, Editor
January 14, 2002

SAN FRANCISCO -- Rarely will mainline investment sources,
like the Wall Street brokerage houses, deliver nirvana in the
form of an undiscovered idea, company or trend.

This is especially true of shunned investments, like gold.
John Hathaway, manager of the tiny Tocqueville Gold Fund
(TGLDX) advises investors, when it comes to

Report from Washington: Anti-ESF legislation is coming

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Dana Milbank and Susan Schmidt
The Washington Post
Saturday, January 12, 2002

Former Clinton Treasury secretary Robert E. Rubin
telephoned a top Treasury official last fall to
explore whether the Bush administration could
intervene on behalf of Enron Corp. as the giant
energy company neared collapse, officials said

Rubin, chairman of the executive committee at
Citigroup, one of Enron's main creditors, called

Ex-Treasury secretary sought Treasury''s help for Enron

Section: Daily Dispatches

8:34p ET Thursday, January 10, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Yesterday IAMGOLD Corp. announced that it will be
keeping its spare cash in gold bullion. Today IAMGOLD
announced that it will give its shareholders the option
of receiving their dividends in bullion as well.

This double blow struck for gold as money was even more
encouraging for us at GATA because IAMGOLD raised the
possibility of using our friend and consultant James

Enron''s pre-bankruptcy calls for rescue were more numerous

Section: Daily Dispatches

WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 (Reuters) -- Citigroup Inc. executive
and ex-Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin called a top Treasury
Department official on behalf of troubled Enron Corp. in
early November, the Treasury Department said on Friday.

The call was the second disclosure by Treasury on Friday
of apparent attempts to lobby Treasury Under Secretary for
Domestic Finance Peter Fisher on Enron's behalf.

IAMGOLD announces gold dividend payment option

Section: Daily Dispatches

11:12p ET Wednesday, January 9, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA consultant Reg Howe has announced that he has
completed service, in German, of legal papers against
the Bank for International Settlements -- a point that
was at issue when his lawsuit was argued in federal
court in Boston in November. Howe also points out
some developments in related BIS litigation. You can
find his comments here:

Anglo has other takeover ideas for lessening dependence on South Africa

Section: Daily Dispatches

4:51p ET Tuesday, January 8, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Since it seems to be an especially good time to
add to collections of rare and bullion coins
and precious metals, some of you have asked
recently for a list of dealers who have supported
GATA and who have been recommended by other
GATA supporters. So I've put such a list together
and appended it here.

Some of these dealers have had special offers for

AngloGold exec raises possibility of merger with Barrick

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Dudley White

Melbourne, Jan. 9 (Bloomberg) -- AngloGold Ltd., vying with
Newmont Mining Corp. for control of Normandy Mining Ltd.,
said it's exploring other takeover opportunities as it tries
to reduce its dependence on South Africa's high-cost mines.

The top gold miner has a list of assets and companies it
would like to buy, though won't be panicked into paying too
much for acquisitions, AngloGold Chairman and Chief

IAMGOLD to start keeping its spare cash in gold bullion

Section: Daily Dispatches

By Nic Hopkins
The Times, London
Thursday, January 10, 2002

AngloGold, the world's largest gold miner, has confirmed it
is seeking to forge stronger ties with Barrick, the Canadian
gold mining group, in a move that may pave the way to a
multibillion-dollar merger.

AngloGold is battling Newmont, of the United States, to win
Normandy Mining, Australia's largest goldmining group, in a
A$4.3 billion (L1.6 billion) bidding war. Its offer is due to

A sample letter to a U.S. senator, citing James Turk''s latest disclosures

Section: Daily Dispatches

10:49p ET Wednesday, January 9, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's a wonderful press release from a gold-
mining company that is a long-time supporter

IAMGOLD announced today that it is going to
start keeping its spare cash in gold bullion,
thereby reminding the world that gold is
still what it has always been, pretty good
money. Indeed, by doing good here, IAMGOLD
